Dr. Renée SchlueterDr. Renée Schlueter
Professor of English
Kirkwood Community College

Dr. Renée Schlueter earned a PhD. in Nineteenth Century, British Literature with an emphasis in gender and culture from Saint Louis University. Since 2007, she has regularly taught a two-week study abroad literature course in Rome. Renee has also developed and taught interdisciplinary literature and writing courses for face-to-face, hybrid, and virtual settings. Her recent publications on Charlotte Eaton, Christina Rossetti and British Romantic writers have appeared in The Humanities and Education Research Association, The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Victorian Women’s Writing, International News, and in Victorians and the Case for Charity: Essays on Responses to English Poverty by the State, the Church, and the Literati.



Creative Studios (CS) within the Center for Faculty Leadership and Development (CFLD) at The University of Texas at El Paso collaborates with academic units to create and/or facilitate integrated, applied, and transformative teaching and learning experiences with technology. Through evidence-based pedagogical strategies, digital and multimedia course enhancement, established and emerging technology integration, and data driven assessment and analytics, Creative Studios advances the design and delivery of creative and engaging learning experiences (in all formats), and collaborates with faculty to efficiently, effectively impart content into their classes, and communicate ideas with high engagement in a digitally connected world.  For more information, please contact CFLD at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..